Luke 9:62 – Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” (NIV)
Read: Luke 9:57-62; 1 Peter 2:9
Following yesterday’s devotional on the requirements of discipleship, another man said to Jesus, “I will follow you, but first let me go and say goodbye to my family.” Today’s Bible reading reveals Christ’s response. As it is with Jesus to use parables for illustration, putting one’s hands on the plough means being ready for action. Agriculture was the primary source of livelihood; therefore, the people knew that for a plougher to succeed in planting and harvesting crops, it involved focus and looking forward, not backwards.
In the other part of the main text, why would the plougher become unfit for God’s kingdom? John 15:16 enjoins every child of God to bear much fruit. When the farmer loses focus, he won’t plough the ground properly, leading to an insufficient harvest. Besides, the family that the man wanted to say goodbye to refers to the world in this context, but God has called us out of the world. Anyone saved by Christ must never return to the past because they will not bear abundant fruit (Matthew 3:10).
Beloved, are you still looking back at the old lifestyles or regretting answering God’s call? If yes! Urgently reassess your priorities because you might become unfit for the kingdom. It is impossible to be subject to the world and serve God. The world may give pleasures, but they are temporary. Don’t exchange your destiny or spiritual calling with something momentary. Instead, be entirely convinced to do Christ’s will, forget the things behind, and put your hands on the plough to reach forward to those things ahead!
Hymn: Anywhere with Jesus – Jessie B. Pounds (1887)
1. Father, help me to be diligent in Your service and never become distracted (Talk to God).
1. Father, pull me out of the valley of indecision, pride, and stagnancy (Mention as application).
2. Father, as You supported Joseph in Egypt, please empower me to be a fruitful force in my dispensation for Your glory.
3. Every power militating against my liberty and that of my family, nation, and Church, scatter by fire!
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