Luke 5:1-7 (4) – Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. (KJV)
Read: 1 Samuel 1:9-28
A boxing world champion was interviewed after a hard-fought victory, and he said: “In the 9th round, having been beaten to a pulp and about to give up, a voice rang in my head saying, ‘Go one more round’. I followed, and that’s why I won.”
Many are the afflictions that people encounter daily, but God wants His children to stand firm by following His lead. In the Bible reading for today, Peter toiled all night without catching a single fish. He had begun washing his nets when Jesus said to him, “Launch out into the deep.” Peter responded to the advice and experienced a net-breaking testimony.
Beloved, it might mean that you have been through challenges all year. Like the boxer, you may have struggled to make ends meet and have applied for several jobs or visas, all to no avail. God is saying to you, “Go one more round! Reapply and embark on that process anew. This time, you will succeed.”
Perhaps you have waited for a miracle for marriage, children, healing, or promotion. Regardless of your circumstances, find inspiration in Hannah’s story. Despite being barren, Hannah consistently went to Shiloh before God blessed her with Samuel and other children. Do likewise, go one more round, and wait on the Lord. He will turn your present effort into exceeding fruitfulness.
Hymn: Happy Day — Philip Doddridge (1755)
1. As I relaunch my spiritual relationship and prayer altar, as well as my career and business, Father, let Your presence be with me.
1. Father, please turn my little effort into abundant results.
2. Father, do a new thing that will cause me to forget my past pain and launch me into a season of rejoicing.
3. Holy Spirit, reveal the secrets I need to know and keep me from falling prey to temptations.
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