Luke 9:60
Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” (NIV)
Read: Luke 9:57-62
Often, people are quick to classify themselves as disciples of Jesus. However, to be a true disciple, one must fulfil essential requirements. In today’s Bible text, Jesus told a man willing to be his disciple to follow him. But the gentleman replied, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father”. This man was genuine in giving priority to his father’s burial, maybe to claim inheritance or to stay with the family for a year to rebury the bones (Jewish practice). However, Christ’s response reveals that the man’s request meant he placed tradition and his desires above God’s work.
On the other hand, who are “the dead”, whom Jesus referred to as the ones to bury their dead? Take note that the Jews regularly used the word “dead” to express that something had no power. For example, being dead to the law or sin means that they both have no control over the person (Romans 6:11; 7:4). In this case, the people of the world are spiritually dead because they neither hear God’s voice nor follow Him. As such, since they place no priority on God and care about norms, they would be more focused on burying their deceased relatives.
In essence, Jesus was telling the man to allow those less interested in His work to care for the dead. But the willing disciple’s focus must be on God and the prosperity of the gospel. Beloved, while the Scripture is clear about honouring the parents, God’s kingdom comes first. To be Christ’s disciple, tradition is secondary, while personal preference must conform to the will of God.
Hymn: Anywhere with Jesus – Jessie B. Pounds (1887)
1. Father, help me to walk by the spirit, to follow You!
1. Spend quality time in prayer and make it your priority to address any contrary action to God’s purpose.
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