Proverbs 14:12 – There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death. (NIV)
Read: Isaiah 30:21
In the quest to fulfil destiny, every human faces the daily challenge of making choices. This is because you are an emblem of the decisions you make.
The wrong decision made in the Garden of Eden has had grievous consequences. Like Adam and Eve, many people have lost their peace and souls to sin and the mistakes made in marriage, career, and even in identifying the place of worship that could guide their steps in destiny. However, God has the power to restore every wasted moment and virtue.
When Joseph faced temptation, he made the right decision, which took him to the palace. If Joseph had chosen immorality over the fear of God, he would have forfeited his destiny. Joseph rose above the obstacles to fulfilling his purpose only because he had the Spirit of God.
In life, temptations and situations will arise that require crucial decisions. There are several options to making decisions, but the Bible reading for today reveals that these ways may seem right, but they lead to death. The devil will attempt to manipulate you and your choices in order to condemn your destiny. However, the Holy Spirit can impart you with the ability to stand and calculate the future cost of your current decision, thereby getting it right.
Beloved, you can be genuinely saved and live in God’s consciousness through holiness, prayer, Bible study, and adherence to divine instructions. This means that your life is defined by the Holy Spirit, who inspires your decisions and the attainment of your destiny.
Hymn: Leaning on the Everlasting Arms — Anthony J. Showalter (1887)
1. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you discernment and the grace to make an accurate judgement.
1. Holy Spirit, open my eyes and heart to Your instructions. Help me walk by Your leading.
2. Father, in the quest to fulfil my purpose, please release the necessary resources into my hands.
3. Pray for the Church and the president of your nation.
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