Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (CSB)
Read: Galatians 6:4
Yesterday, we learned that God orchestrated every destiny for a specific purpose. However, there are numerous ways in which destiny can be destroyed. When you fall into sin and spiritual death, you risk forfeiting your destiny. As noted in the Bible reading for today, sin is the greatest enemy of divine prosperity. Watch it!
A lack of vision and direction can terminate destiny. Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Your destiny is your destination; you cannot afford to miss your path through ignorance or indirection.
1 Chronicles 4:9-10 reveals that Jabez was destined to be more honourable than his brothers. But because his mother gave him a name that contradicted his destiny, the man was grounded in life. Jabez then prayed destiny-recovery prayers, and God granted his request. There are two lessons to take away from this story: a name or identity can thwart your destiny, and prayer can eliminate destiny manipulation.
A mistake in marital decisions can ruin destiny. A wrong marriage is the next thing to hell—if you marry a spouse who opposes your divine purpose, it will determine how far you go in life! For example, Solomon’s affair with foreign women turned his heart away from God, even though he later came to a point of realisation (1 Kings 11:1-11).
Beloved, competing with other people also has the potential to destroy your destiny. There is no competition in destiny. Imitating others robs you of your talent and uniqueness. Therefore, know that your personality, colour, name, or height are what make you different. Be yourself, identify your purpose, and fulfil your destiny!
Hymn: Amazing Grace — John Newton (1779)
1. Anything I am doing that may tarnish my destiny, Father, please scatter them!
1. Father! Show me the purpose of my existence, present situation, job, marriage, and ministry.
2. Father, restore my glory and relocate my family and the Church to where we will fulfil our destiny.
3. Evil programming in the water, sun, moon, stars, or anywhere, done for my sake, scatter!
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