Isaiah 30:21 – You will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way. Follow it, whether it turns to the right or to the left.” (GW)
Read: Genesis 41
Destiny is the predetermined course of events. God knew you before conception, and since He controls time, He has a plan to perfect your future. Therefore, everyone has a destiny to fulfil; the only problem is how to identify the place of purpose in life. It is important to note that purpose is different from destiny—destiny is a destination, while purpose is what you do to get there!
In Genesis 37, God showed Joseph a glimpse of his destiny. The boy decided to inform his brothers, who sold him into slavery. According to Genesis 50:20, Joseph’s destiny was to rule and save lives, but his brothers’ actions seemed to negate God’s agenda for him. Nevertheless, it was through this that Joseph identified his purpose and gifting (fear of God, service, diligence, and interpretation of dreams), which led him to his destination.
Beloved, no matter the rough edges, never doubt or question God’s plan for your existence, because He never creates a thing or His image without a motive! Pray for a revelation of your destination so you don’t waste time and effort on the wrong purpose, relationship, or career path. In addition to prayer, the Bible text for today emphasises the need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, your talents, things you love doing, and dreams. This is because, like in Joseph’s case, God can reveal your destiny through them!
Action Word
“Your purpose is a function of your destiny. Whatever you do every day should contribute to your destiny.”
Hymn: My Faith Looks Up to Thee – Ray Palmer (1830)
1. Father, open my eyes to my destiny, purpose, and potential.
1. Holy Spirit, plant my steps, my nation, and the Church in the right direction.
2. Hunters of destiny, assigned to shut down my glory, die by your weapon!
3. Spend time praying in the Holy Ghost.
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