Isaiah 14:12-16 (14) – I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” (NIV)
Read: Genesis 11:1–9
When the world had one language, people didn’t want to spread globally. Instead, the society wished to make a name for itself by erecting a tower that could reach the heavens. The actions of these people negated the divine agenda for humanity because God had commanded in Genesis 1:26-28 that we should be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth. The generation wanted to outdo God’s agenda to become more famous. This is similar to Satan’s plan to exalt himself above God. In our Bible reading, the devil attempted to ascend into the heavens to establish his throne over the Lord’s stars, but God cast him down.
The problem of the world began with pride, and this continues to haunt mankind. People want to be seen, heard, and praised above God. However, the Almighty God does not share His glory with anyone or any idol (Isaiah 42:8). Life is not about us but about reflecting God’s glory to the world. Whenever we attribute any of our achievements to our strength, we take the glory for ourselves, which is pride! I encourage you to examine yourself today and ask for mercy if need be. The Lord Jesus can restore you and breathe new life into you!
Hymn: Into My Heart — Harry D. Clarke (1924)
1. Lord Jesus, please purge me inside out and deliver me from self-glorification.
1. Demons of sorrow, on a mission to hijack my season of joy and rest, I escape your agenda by the blood of Jesus.
2. I declare that I, my family, and the Church will not die or be buried untimely.
3. Please pray for our ministry, the vessel, your pastor, and leaders at work and in the community.
4. Father, terminate my agreement with failure, disappointment, and poverty.
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