Proverbs 24:5 – The wise are mightier than the strong, and those with knowledge grow stronger and stronger. (NLT)
Read: 2 Timothy 2:15
Michael Faraday is one of the greatest scientists. Faraday was a Christian who only had an elementary education and would read books. He developed an interest in electricity and tried several experiments. One day, he attended Professor Humphry Davy’s chemical lectures and wrote notes, including a letter requesting to work for the professor. In 1812, Faraday became Professor Davy’s laboratory assistant and learned chemistry from him.
Faraday continued studying to acquire knowledge and discovered electromagnetics (the relationship between light and magnetism), electrochemistry, the laws of electrolysis, benzene, and other hydrocarbons. Throughout his life, the man was kind and humble and practised science to the best of his ability. He gained so much popularity that Professor Davy envied him and accused him of stealing his ideas.
There are lessons to be learned from this great man. He was, first and foremost, a devout Christian who had God’s inspiration. Job 32:8 says that the spirit and inspiration of God give understanding. Without the Holy Spirit, a man can acquire nothing. Second, despite having the lowest form of education, Faraday pursued knowledge. Today’s Bible reading confirms that knowledge is power! It was this knowledge that the Children of Issachar had that they ruled others (1 Chronicles 12:32). If you want to be ahead, you must know what others do not.
Third, Faraday was a goal-getter. He seized the opportunity to develop knowledge and made discoveries. Apostle Paul admonished Christians not to be unwise but to make every opportunity count (Ephesians 5:15-17). Finally, he was humble and hardworking. God promotes the meek and makes the diligent sit with kings (Proverbs 22:29).
Beloved, in all your aspirations, seek God and knowledge (information). Read books and pay for educational courses that will give you an edge and sharpen your skills. As you engage in these activities, intentionally rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The world will hear about you and praise your God.
Hymn: I Need Thee Every Hour – Annie S. Hawks & Robert Lowry (1872)
1. Father, give me the grace and resources I need to acquire knowledge.
1. Father, anoint me and the Church afresh for innovative and weighty inventions.
2. I receive the power to surpass the highest and most excellent records of my lineage and nation.
3. Pray concerning every project, business, or exam you have now.
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