2 Peter 1:8 – For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. (NIV)
Read: 2 Peter 1:5-11; 1 Corinthians 15:9-11
Quality is the standard value of a thing, while quantity is the volume of an item. Quality lasts longer than quantity because it measures impact. In the Scriptures, Methuselah lived for 969 years and was never relevant, yet Jesus lived only 33 years and made history. Similarly, Judas was Christ’s disciple but ended up in hell, whereas Paul, who was a persecutor of Christians, became one of the greatest apostles.
Beloved, existing without making an impact is never God’s intention for His children. When He said, ‘Be fruitful, multiply, replenish and subdue the earth’ (Genesis 1:28), He was simply saying that you should replicate His glory by exercising dominion over everything. Therefore, you must be of quality rather than quantity, or what is the essence of living without good works? Apostle Peter admonishes in our Bible text the importance of adding goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection, and love to your faith. Having these qualities in increasing measure guarantees your growth in God’s knowledge, whereby your spiritual content becomes far more robust than your physical outlook.
Examine yourself to know what stuff you are made of because when the test of time comes, it is what you have on the inside that determines your fate. How much of the Word do you know and follow? Reflect, pray, and act on these things—the Holy Spirit shall make you a person of exceeding quality, and you will no longer be unproductive!
Hymn: Take my Life, and let it Be – Frances R. Havergal (1874)
1. Father, please make me a vessel of perfect quality and give me a quantity of time to fulfil my destiny.
1. I decree that I shall not misuse my time, and I remove my name from the book of failed destiny.
2. Powers that neutralise glory in my lineage, be defeated!
3. Spirit of the grave, hunting for my life and family, we are not your candidates; pass over!
4. As I start a new day, I decree, “Forward ever, backward never!”
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