1 Thessalonians 5:18 – Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. (NIV)
Read: Psalms 30:5
A man lamented that his cross (burden of problems) was too heavy for him to bear. God, being a loving Father, listened to his plea and said to him, “Go into the storehouse and select a smaller cross.” While searching, the man saw bigger crosses and became more sorrowful. However, just as he was about to give up, he spotted a tiny cross. He was so thrilled that he quickly grabbed it and told God, “I have found the lightest cross.” Then, God informed the man that the cross he had complained about is the same lightest one.
Beloved, what are you lamenting about—your children, career, health, finance, family, or marriage? No matter what you are experiencing, it is for a purpose and a season. If you are able to observe the problems of others, you will realise that your challenge is like the lightest cross. Among other things, as the Bible text for today reveals, learn to appreciate God and the breath in your nostrils because when there is life, hope abounds (Ecclesiastes 9:4).
Also, keep in mind that Job experienced hardships, yet he remained faithful to God and experienced enormous restoration. If only you would hold on to God, you too shall celebrate! I leave you with this line: “Life’s challenges may be inevitable, but the size of your test determines the weight of your testimony.” Do not give up!
Hymn: To God Be the Glory — Fanny Crosby (1875)
1. Father, thank You for everything You have done and given to me, my family, the nation, and the Church.
1. Father, please rescue me from destiny hunters and the traps of the wicked.
2. Father, wipe the secret tears of Your people and give them joy!
3. Blank Cheque: Tell God those difficult things you desire to testify about.
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