Isaiah 14:14 – “I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” (NIV)
Read: Isaiah 14:12–16
What today’s Bible reading reveals about Satan is how highly placed he once was. He played a significant role in God’s realm until he started to exhibit arrogance. The devil attempted to ascend into the heavens and establish his throne over God’s stars, but was cast down.
Pride is the root of the world’s problems, and it continues to plague humanity. Pride is a feeling of self-sufficiency, and Satan has lured people into believing they can exist without God and the manual of life (the Scriptures). Seeking recognition, attention, or praise beyond God and His standards is a sign of self-interest and pride. However, 2 Corinthians 3:5 says, “Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God.”
Beloved, your life, skills, or accomplishments are not about you but about the power and purpose of God reflecting through you. In other words, you cannot express the fullness of your divine purpose without God at the centre. Therefore, don’t compete with your Maker or take the glory to yourself! Don’t also work against God’s agenda at anytime, because when you do, you are equally agreeing with Satan in rebellion and proving that you are self-sufficient.
I encourage you to examine yourself today and ask for mercy in areas where you have become independent outside God.
Hymn: Into My Heart – Harry D. Clarke (1924)
1. Holy Spirit, please purge me inside out and deliver me from pride and self-dependence.
2. Father, please do a new thing in my life so that the world will know I serve a great God.
1. Demons of sorrow, on a mission to hijack my joy and peace. By the blood of Jesus, I escape your agenda.
2. I declare that my family, the Church, and I will not die or perish in the remaining days of 2024.
3. Father, terminate my agreement with failure, death, disappointment, and poverty.
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