2 Corinthians 4:8-10 (9)
We are hunted down but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. (NLT)
Read: Romans 8:18-19
The experience of Apostle Paul, as recorded in the Bible text for today, encourages the present generation of believers. For the gospel’s sake, the apostle faced persecution at several points. He suffered shipwreck, imprisonment, and beatings, yet he never threw in the towel. Paul eventually became one of the greatest apostles that ever lived.
The story of Joyce Meyer is also encouraging. As a child, Joyce’s father raped her at least two hundred times. Despite the abuse, Joyce remained resilient and now serves as an influential gospel ambassador. Also, she is blessed with a husband, four children, and many grandchildren. Joyce’s experience proves that God can transform any horrible situation into a testimony of hope and glory.
The typical life of a Christian is full of trials and temptations from the physical and spiritual realms. The good news, however, is that overcoming grace is available through Christ. It was by this grace that Paul persevered and prevailed. In the same way, Beloved, let the assurance of God’s grace fuel your faith, enabling you to persevere like Paul and be transformed into the person God intended you to be, just as Joyce Meyer. As you journey on this path, don’t give up on yourself but study the Word, pray fervently, work hard, and let God’s glory shape your reality.
Hymn: His Eye Is on the Sparrow — Civilla D. Martin (1905)
- Father, I declare my love for You. Please help me, by Your grace and might, to excel.
- Father, I raise my hands in total surrender. Please help me to carry on through the storms of life.
- Holy Spirit, minister grace and sound mind to me, my family, the leaders, and the Church.
- Pray in the spirit and sing songs of praise and victory, as led by the Holy Ghost, until you are strengthened.
© The Food of Champions 2024
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