Matthew 7:15-23 (15) – “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves. (KJV)
Read: Jeremiah 27:15-22, 28, 1 Corinthians 12:3-12
A prophet is a holy representative of God who speaks God’s mind in the present and sees into the future. Since ancient times, the office of the prophet has been vital to God’s mission on earth and to the body of Christ. However, just as Judas Iscariot had an ulterior motive amongst the disciples, some prophets and ministers of the gospel nurse contrary agendas in this end time.
There are the good shepherds and the bad wolves. The Scriptures record the exploits performed by prophets such as Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Deborah, including Elijah, who declared, “No rain, no dew”, and it happened as he prophesied (1 Kings 17). On the contrary, Hananiah, the son of Azur, was a false prophet and a doomsayer who died for this reason. In Acts 19:13-16, some men likewise tried to cast out demons in the name of Jesus. But the spirit replied, “Jesus and Paul I know, who are you?” These men got the beating of their lives.
Beloved, one of the greatest mistakes a person can make is to fall into the hands of these evil prophets in wolf clothing. What makes it more dangerous is that they do not wear special tags; instead, they come as sheep when, in reality, they are devourers. However, the Bible says we will know them by their fruits. These fruits are the false doctrines and continuous evils they perpetrate that eventually lead to destruction (Isaiah 9:16b). Therefore, every child of God needs a discerning spirit to sense right from wrong. In addition, emphasis must be placed on following the footsteps of the Berean Christians who studied and cross-checked what they were taught in the Church (Acts 17:11). With these, you will never fall prey to the wiles of the evil prophet.
Hymn: Christian, Seek not yet Repose — Charlotte Elliott (1836)
1. Read Isaiah 11:1–5 and pray with it.
2. Holy Spirit, endow me with Your discerning spirit to be sensitive always.
3. Thou evil prophet and powers controlling my life, home, and destiny, lose your authority and release me!
1. Father, break every covenant of death and shame over my life.
2. From today, I refuse to experience scarcity in the midst of abundance.
3. Lord Jesus, as individuals, community, nation, and Church, please raise a voice of help for us.
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