2 Corinthians 5:1-10 (7)
For we live by faith, not by sight. (NIV)
Read: 2 Kings 6
When the Syrian army hunted for Prophet Elisha, his servant rushed in panic to inform him. But Elisha told him, “Do not be afraid, those with us are more than those with them”. He then prayed, and the servant’s eyes opened to see an array of horses and chariots of fire round about his master. This account is similar to Numbers 13, where the spies sent to Canaan land couldn’t but see themselves as grasshoppers in the sight of others. These people were self-defeating!
It is a fact that the reality of things may negate the spiritual. What you see today could seem far from God’s intention for your life. This is why you must never see things from the human perspective, especially the issue of faith. In the Bible text, Paul talked about the human body being transformed into a new form. He referred to the glory to come, and because this is futuristic, the Apostle mentioned that we live by faith and not by present experience. Indeed, faith is a spiritual currency and a function of believing what cannot be immediately seen or touched. Another dimension to faith is that it triggers supernatural insight—seeing the invisible in the face of reality. These were what was lacking in the case of Elisha’s servant and the spies at Canaan.
Beloved, there are three key lessons. First, you are what you see and think (Proverbs 23:7). Therefore, live by faith and conform your thoughts to Godly wisdom. Second, your faith must constantly revive your relationship with God and sustain your prayer altar, launching you to the realm of seeing the secret things as Elisha did. Finally, let the spiritual shape your physical because you cannot actualise what you cannot visualise. Until you see things as Heaven does, you remain an object of human experiment! (1 Corinthians 2:14).
Hymn: Will Your Anchor Hold? — Priscilla J. Owens (1882)
1. Father, disconnect fear, self-defeat, low self-value and failure (mention) from the rhythm of my life.
2. From now on, I see and enjoy mercy, healing, marital breakthroughs, open doors, spiritual growth and greatness.
1. Father, please open my spiritual eyes to behold Your glory!
2. Every obstacle to the fulfilment of God’s promises for my life, be uprooted.
3. Powers assigned to disconnect me, my family, and the Church from the source of help and glory, scatter!
© The Food of Champions 2024
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