Psalms 66:2 – Sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise! (ESV)
Read: 1 Corinthians 10:31, 1 Timothy 1:17
God is the only wise King eternal who dwells in honour and must be glorified. Therefore, offering glorious praise refers to the quality of exaltation rendered with an attitude of worship to move God. In 1 Chronicles 29:10-20, David gave glorious praise to the Lord among the congregation, causing everyone to join him. For this and many other instances of praise offered, God called David a man after my heart.
Glorious praise is more precious than gold, incense, or general music because it originates from a heart of spiritual joy, humility, and adoration. Paul and Silas rendered this type of praise to God in Acts 16:16-40. These men worshipped the Lord and prayed despite being in the inner prison. The action led to a sudden deliverance that caused their chains and prison doors to break loose.
Beloved, to partake of the divine blessings such as David, Paul, and Silas did, you must channel your hearts, strength, lifestyle, or possessions to praise the Lord. The Bible reading for today admonishes that all that is within you must sing of God’s glory. Make dancing and singing of songs, hymns, and praises as led by the Holy Spirit a daily action. As the new month begins tomorrow, join us from Thursday to Saturday to give “Glorious Praise” to our Father in Heaven. We are to praise and worship God for an hour minimum daily! The God who inhabits the praises of His people shall pour out His blessings upon you and your household.
Hymn: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty – Joachim Neander (1680)
1. Father, anoint me with the oil of joy and clothe me with the garment of praise.
2. Father, please let everything about me glorify You, always.
1. Go ahead, bless the Lord and give Him quality praise!
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