Mark 7:31-37 (37) – People were overwhelmed with amazement. “He has done everything well,” they said. “He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.” (NIV)
Read: Romans 8:28
All the way, my Saviour leads me; what else do I need besides this? I can’t deny God’s mercy, which has guided me through my existence. I have experienced heavenly peace and comfort, and I live in Christ by faith because He directs my steps, provides grace for every trial, and feeds me with living bread. Though my feet may sometimes fail while my soul thirsts, Jesus is my rock and spring of joy. Therefore, whatever befalls me, I am assured that Jesus does all things well.
The above is the paraphrased hymn of Frances J. Crosby, born on March 24, 1820. This woman became blind shortly after birth, yet she never allowed her disability to hinder her potential, and she wrote over 8,000 hymns and songs during her lifetime.
Beloved, what is your own story? Are you able to trust God in the stormy seasons of your life? It pays to wait on the Lord, because He is a strong tower and delights in doing wonderous things. As seen in the Bible reading for today, Jesus did miracles that amazed the people, and He still does much more for those who trust in Him. I urge you to never give up on yourself but to be encouraged by Frances’ hymn and to believe that Christ can transform your weakness into strength. Put your faith in God, and you shall have reasons to testify of His goodness, in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Hymn: To God be the Glory – Frances J. Crosby (1875)
1. Father, by Your mercy, intervene in my situation today and let me sing a new song.
2. Lord Jesus, in my waiting, please help me to know that all things are working for my good.
1. Every negative memory the devil is using to torture me, Holy Ghost, neutralise it.
2. Lord Jesus, You are the great physician. Please heal me, and I will be healed.
3. Christ Jesus, I surrender my imperfections to You. Please remould me.
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